Tech Tuesday: Huddly L1 Conferencing Camera

Huddly has been creating compact, easy to use conferencing cameras for years, and we’ve installed their products, like the Huddly IQ camera, in small and medium sized meeting rooms across Canada. Today, we’re looking at something for the big rooms: an extremely small and extremely mighty conferencing camera for larger spaces—the new Huddly L1.

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Evolution AV
Tech Tuesday - Samsung QBR Commercial Display

Welcome back to Tech Tuesday! Our featured partner this week is one who needs no introduction (but we’ll give them one anyways). Samsung has been a global leader in technology development for over 30 years, and they’ve brought their history or innovation along to this: the Samsung QBR Series Signage.

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Evolution AV
Tech Tuesday - FrontRow Lyrik

Welcome back to Tech Tuesday! This week, we’re featuring something a little different from our usual installed products… because this one goes everywhere! The FrontRow Lyrik provides classroom audio and amplification, wherever it is needed.

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Evolution AV
Creating Better Outcomes with Classroom Audio

Typically, sound is the last thing that comes to mind when designing a classroom. Maximizing space for activities, storage, and students can take priority over the acoustics of a classroom. Although this doesn't present any problems on the surface, poor audio can have negative effects that may not be instantly recognizable.

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Evolution AV
Maximizing Your Network: A Guide to AV Over IP

With the increased connectivity requirements of the modern office, it’s no wonder that AV manufacturers are beginning to take advantage of network infrastructure that is already in place. AV over IP can offer huge benefits of scalability and flexibility. It also represents an opportunity for new installations to take advantage of internet connectivity, adding functionality, while making the systems easier to maintain and update.

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Evolution AV
Project Highlight - Smith + Andersen Vancouver

Smith + Andersen is a well-known Canadian engineering consultant firm with offices spread across the nation. Working primarily in the communications, security, and audiovisual fields, Smith + Andersen provides mechanical and electrical consultation services and engineering design. Evolution AV is proud to have worked within the Vancouver office location of Smith + Andersen.

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The Ultimate Guide to Digital Signage

Digital signage may be the most ubiquitous thing you've never noticed. It can take many forms, from a scrolling stock ticker on the side of a building to the menu at your local quick-serve restaurant. Digital signage goes far beyond billboards and menus—it can engage with the world around it, providing far more immersive experiences than any normal sign ever could.

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Evolution AV